
对下面加点词语解释有误的一项是(    )(2分)    A.理想有时候又是海天相吻的弧线,可望不可即。(只能远远看见而不能接近)    B.我们的存在只是一种悲凉的点缀。(加以衬托或装饰,使原有事物更加美好。)    C.可是,等到它们渐渐长大,羽毛渐丰,一切都具体而微以后,我喜爱它们又甚于那些老鸟。(连非常细小的地方都看得很清楚。)    D.从前的闲适心情一扫而光了。(清闲安逸。) 完形填空        Most people have their own   1   of what kind of jobs they   2   take in the future. Some like busy and   3   jobs. They are not   4   of danger any more. They   5   to be a police officer, a rescue(营救)team worker,   6   ambulance(救护车)driver or a stand-in actor(替身演员). These are all challenging(挑战性的) jobs. On   7   hand, some people want to be a librarian, a   8   or an artist. They like to have a   9   atmosphere(氛围) to do their work and they really love every   10   of their jobs. (     )1. A. idea     (     )2. A. might    (     )3. A. difficult(     )4. A. afraid   (     )5. A. decide   (     )6. A. the      (     )7. A. other    (     )8. A. writer   (     )9. A. busy     (     )10. A. day                          B. things      B. may         B. boring      B. sure        B. want        B. a           B. the other   B. runner      B. interesting B. minute                  C. goals     C. could     C. exciting  C. nice      C. like      C. an        C. another   C. player    C. crowded   C. hour       D. ambition     D. can          D. relaxing     D. scared       D. try          D. /            D. one          D. pilot        D. quiet        D. night        
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