
Young people should travel not only to find out about the present 31           to find out about the future. A grand tour today should be the opposite of 32          it was in the past. It should not include museums, castles and ruins. It should go       33           human life is, to places that throw you images of the future. It should not be an escape of 34            (real) but a challenge with 35           .    Young people of today should go to the wildest, farthest, poor place they can think of. They should go to the wild places 现有A、B、C、D、E、F七种物质转化关系图如下,请回答下列列问题:(1)A物质的化学式H2OH2O;(2)A通电的化学方程式2H2O 通电 . 2H2↑+O2↑2H2O 通电 . 2H2↑+O2↑;(3)C物质的名称为氧气氧气;(4)请说出B物质的一种用途燃料或还原金属氧化物燃料或还原金属氧化物,B与C反应的类型化合反应化合反应;(5)请写出A与D的化学方程式H2O+CO2═H2CO3H2O+CO2═H2CO3.
英语 试题推荐