
(6分)今天是小明爸爸的生日。(1)妈妈为爸爸斟了满满一杯白酒,小明远远就闻到了酒的特殊香味,白酒的主要成分是                          。(用化学式表示)。(2)爸爸点燃了生日蜡烛,许愿后大家一起将蜡烛吹灭,这种灭火原理是                        。(3)小明用压岁钱给爸爸买了条真丝领带,日常生活中鉴别天然纤维和合成纤维的方法是                               。(4)妈妈说,蛋糕 把正确选项的序号写在前面的括号里 (  )1.What time is it? A.It’s seven thirty. B.It’s eleven thirty. (  )2.What time do you eat dinner? A.I eat dinner at six fifteen. B.I eat dinner at six forty-five. (  )3.A.It’s eight o’clock.It’s time to go home. B.It’s eight o’clock.It’s time to go to school. (  )4.A.It’s five thirty.It’s time to watch TV. B.It’s five fifteen.It’s time to play football.
化学 试题推荐