
From a major Windows upgrade(升级)to more powerful Web services and high-definition (高清晰) DVD.there’s a lot to look forward to in the coming year. Vista View     Microsoft’s next major operating system,Windows Vista.looks different from today’s Windows.But the parts you can’t see might be even more important.Microsoft is focusing on protecting users from the viruses.worms,and other attacks that have become a serious problem in the last decade.But security isn’t the only point of Windows Vista.It includes additional gaming features.a new deskto甲、乙、丙三人用擂台赛形式进行训练.每局两人单打比赛,另一人当裁判.每一局输者当下一局的裁判,而原来的裁判与赢者比赛.一天训练结束时,统计甲共打12局,乙共打21局,而丙共当裁判8局.那么整个比赛中第10局的输者(  ) A、必是甲B、必是乙C、必是丙D、不能确定
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