
下列作家、作品、朝代或国籍出处错误的一项是(2分) A.《木兰诗》是一首乐府民歌,选自宋代郭茂倩编的《乐府诗集》。 B.《从百草园到三味书屋》——鲁迅——中国——《野草》 C.《伤仲永》——王安石——北宋——《临川先生文集》 D.《最后一课》的作者是都德,他是法国著名作家。 答案:B。《野草》应为《朝花夕拾》。My friend, Victor, is a zoo keeper in the National Zoo. His work is very interesting but it is hard. Sometimes it is dangerous, too. Every morning the zoo keepers have to get up at five to get food ready for the animals.Each kind of animal eats special food. For example, the lions must eat meat; the giraffes will eat grass and leaves; and the parrots must have fruit and nuts. Sometimes some animals won’t let the others eat their food. If this happens, each of them must be fed separately(分离的). Every morning the zoo keepers must clean each cage. This can be dangerous, especially(尤其) with lions and tigers. To make the work easier, the keepers always lock the animals in the sleeping compartments(隔间) while they are washing the cages. When the animals are sick, the zoo keepers must look after them. Each sick animal is kept in a separate cage and given medicine. Sometimes the zoo workers have to inject(注射) the sick animals, even the lions.All the keepers live near the zoo. Each of them has a small house. There he lives with his family. They do not have holidays on Sundays and public(公众的) holidays. Each of them has a day off during the week. Each keeper has a holiday on a different day from that of the other keepers.The most important job of the keepers is to look after the safety of the visitors. They must stop those people from doing dangerous things. 1.What kind of food may be for the animals like lions, tigers and bears?A. Nuts.B. Fruit.C. Meat.D. Grass and leaves.2.Some animals must eat food separately because .A. they eat special foodB. they often quarrel with each other while eatingC. they always make troubleD. they won’t let the others eat their food3.All the zoo keepers must work .A. seven days a weekB. on SaturdaysC. on special festivalsD. on weekdays4.Which of the following is WRONG?A. The zoo keepers have to get up at five to get the food ready for all the animals.B. The zoo keepers must clean all the cages every morning.C. The zoo keepers must look after the animals when they are sick.D. The zoo keepers live in a small house together near the zoo.5.What is the best title(标题) for the passage?A. The ZooB. The Zoo KeepersC. An Interesting JobD. A Dangerous Job 
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