
    Is it necessary to learn when we are 50s,60s or even 70s?Most people consider when they  get retired,they are supposed to be completely laidback,do something fun,or hang around. 36  It’s particularly important to the elderly.     Through learning,we know how to think,how to memorize,how to ask questions and even how to interact with others.According to a study,while we are learning,“the brain creates neural(神经)pathways”that make us smarter.  37  The more we learn,the mote new  neural pathways develop in our brains.     When it c下列关于人体血糖平衡调节的叙述中,正确的是(    ) A.细胞内葡萄糖的氧化利用发生障碍,可导致血糖持续升高    B.糖尿病是由于经常摄入过量的糖所引起的 C.胰岛细胞产生的激素均能降低血糖含量 D.胰岛A细胞和B细胞协同调节血糖平衡
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