
Some say that madness and genius (天才)often come hand in hand. This is especially true of the Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh. Van Gogh is famous 56 his amazing use of color and shape. Born in 1853, he was painting at a time 57 art was changing. A long time ago, artists tried to make their paintings look real like photographs. 58 later on, art became more about the artist’s own ideas. If you see a Van Gogh,it won’t look like the real world. It will look even 59 (beautiful). Some of Van Gogh’s most famous paintings are of natural scenes and flowers, such as Sunflowers. He als甲、乙两地分别位于沿海地区或沙漠地区,表中记录了甲、乙两地三天内气温的最高值和最低值,你能判断出甲地是沿海地区还是沙漠地区吗?并简要说明理由. 时间 气温 甲地 乙地 5月27日 最高 25 26 最低 20 12 5月28日 最高 26 27 最低 19 14 5月29日 最高 25 28 最低 21 11答:甲地是 ______,理由:______.
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