
A.     Exercise regularly and make it fun B.     Look for ways of helping other people C.     Look back over your life and rememberthe happy time D.     Appreciate just what you have got inyour life right now E.      Create a fun break every day even ifonly for 10 to 15 minutes F.      Cut down on the amount of negativeinformation such as through the media    Tips for being happier  61. Stay well informed, but watching news reports over and over again about things you can do nothing about will bring dark clouds into your life. Especially refuse to listen to we以下行为属于不尊重公民隐私的是                          A.银行柜台设置一米线          B.进他人房间先敲门C.警方对犯罪嫌疑人的住宅电话进行监听      D.某网站将其注册会员的照片、电话号码等信息整理成册,卖给某信息公司
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