
 “如果说人生是五彩缤纷的,那么青春必是其中最绚丽的一抹;如果说人生是动静交融的,那么青春必是其中最活力四射的一份。青春灿烂地犹如初升太阳的面纱,灵秀地犹如崖一边的一枝百合,热情地犹如一株红色的玫瑰,散发着撩人的芬芳。她——让我如此深深着迷。” 请以“青春”为话题,自拟题目,自选角度,写不少于600字的文章。除诗歌外,文体不限。A. delivered B.according to C.choose D.surprising E.becauseThere are many online food shopping sites. This is very 【1】. Things like CDs, books, and DVDs sell well online. But it is quite different to sell food online because people like to see food with their own eyes. It is very important for people to buy fresh fruit and vegetables. Customers like to choose their food 【2】 its colour. They also want to touch and smell it. But some people like to go to the same shop to buy food, because they think the food there has a very good quality. So if the food is always good, they may also feel comfortable buying it online. Boxes of fruits and vegetables have been 【3】 to homes around Britain for a few years now. Dried or canned (罐装的) foods are almost always the same, but things like apples are not. People may want to 【4】 their own apples so they can take the ones that aren't bruised (碰伤) or the ones that look nice.
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