
Andres Chaparral A person who is kind to me is Andres Chaparral. He lives in the Philippines. He is so kind to other people and me. When someone asks him if he can help him/her, he always does it. He always gives poor children food and clothes. One time when his father gave him money for shopping, he didn’t spend it. He bought some food, shoes, clothes and toys, and then we rode a bus and went to an orphanage and gave the children all the things he bought. He is the kindest person I know. Roseville Santos Another person who is kind to me is my aunt. When I just came here she helped m如图是小明制作洋葱鳞片叶表皮细胞装片的几个步骤,请回答(1)操作步骤的正确顺序是______(填上面图中的序号).(2)步骤1这样做的目的是______.(3)步骤2染色用的染液是______.(4)小明制作了洋葱表皮细胞的临时装片后,用显微镜进行观察,他在观察中发现一细胞位于视野的右下方,要将其移到视野正中央,应将装片向______移动.操作好后,小明按要求画出洋葱细胞结构图.下列各项不符合绘图要求的是______A、绘图时采用HB铅笔B、物像的明暗差异,可以用铅笔不同程度涂黑C、标注名称时,要用直尺引出平行的水平指示线,标注的名称要对齐D、用铅笔画出的图象轮廓,线条要均匀,线条相接处不能出现分叉.
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