
11.. 法兰西第三共和国的议会制共和制与德意志帝国的君主立宪制() ①其形成都与普法战争有关                ②国家元首同时也是军队统帅 ③都实行两院制议会                      ④内阁都对议会负责 A.①②③    B.②③④     C.①②④   D.①②③④ 答案:A选择对话的正确顺序: a.You're right. b.The one in the red sweater. c.Lily and Lucy's mother? d.Who's the woman in the bus? e.Oh, she's the twin's mother. f.Which woman? [  ] A.d, c, e, b, f, aB.f, b, d, c, e, a C.d, f, b, e, c, aD.f, e, b, d, c, e
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