
阅读理解 Going to the movie theater is fun. However, in a time when technology has afforded us home video streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu, many people choose to stay at home to have fun. And they believe movie theaters are going to have problems. Though those services might affect the theaters negatively, I don't believe they are going away anytime soon. I don't doubt that staying at home to watch films can save you money. After all, the tickets for theaters aren't cheap. Besides, you can lie comfortably on a big sofa to watch films. And generally there's no limit on the time w14.将下列各数按要求填空.75     25    12    5       3    60    9015     24    51    57      45    6    120能被2整除的数有12、60、90、24、6、120;能被3整除的数有75、12、3、60、90、15、24、51、57、45、6、120;能被5整除的数有75、25、5、60、90、15、45、120.
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