
阅读理解 Born and raised in a digital age, today's young people are generally tech savvy (技术娴熟的). But when it comes to basic life skills, they're less capable than the older generation. According to a recent study, 69 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds in the UK have no idea how to bleed a radiator(暖气片换水). About 35 percent of them don't know how to sew on a button, while about 11 percent don't understand how to change a light bulb or iron clothes. It appears young people are losing the skills older generations took for granted. In fact, the problem is shared by young people 关于下列图解的理解正确的是(  ) A.基因自由组合定律的实质表现  在图中的④⑤⑥ B.③⑥过程表示减数分裂过程 C.图1中由于③过程的随机性,基因型为Aa的子代占所有子代的1/2 D.图2子代中aaBB的个体在aaB_中占1/16
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