
听一听,选一选。①背着年迈的大娘 ②抱着迷路的孩子Ⅰ沿着长长的小溪,冒着蒙蒙的细雨,雷锋叔叔。Ⅱ顺着弯弯的小路,踏着路上的荆棘,雷锋叔叔。 答案:【1】②【2】①Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches (沟渠)along the highway. I travel daily to work. There is one particular    26    flower that has    27   caught my eyes. I’ve noticed it blooms only in the morning hours; the    28    sun is too warm for it. Every day for about two weeks. I see those beautiful    29   . This spring I    30   a wildflower garden in our yard. “I can look out of the   31   window while doing the dishes and see the flowers. I’ve often thought those lovely blue flowers from the   32  would look great in that bed alongside other wildflowers. Everyday I    33  past the flowers thinking, I’ll stop on my way home and    34   them.” “gee (哎呀), I don’t want to get my good clothes dirty…” whatever the reason, I    35  stopped to dig them. One day on my way home from work in my car, I was    36    to see the highway department had moved the ditches and the pretty blue flowers were    37  . I thought to myself, “You    38    too long. You should have done it when you first saw them  39   this spring. ” A week ago, we were shocked and saddened to learn my older sister-in-law had a terminal brain tumor (肿块). She is 10 years    40   than my husband and unfortunately, because of age and distance. We haven’t been as    41   as we all would have liked. I couldn’t help but see the   42     between the pretty blue flowers and the relationship between my husband’s    43  and us. I do believe god has given us some time left to    44  some wonderful memories that will bloom every year for us. And yes, if I see the blue flowers again, I’ll    45   and transplant them to my wildflower garden. 1.                A.red            B.yellow          C.blue D.white 2.                A.sometimes      B.never          C.seldom   D.always 3.                A.morning        B.afternoon       C.noon D.evening 4.                A.trees          B.flowers         C.woods    D.gardens 5.                A.started         B.cleared         C.built D.deserted 6.                A.bedroom       B.dinning-room    C.sitting-room   D.kitchen 7.                A.highway        B.garden         C.ditch D.park 8.                A.rode           B.walked         C.drove    D.ran 9.                A.pick           B.sell            C.water    D.dig 10.               A.always         B.often          C.never D.ever 11.               A.surprised       B.excited         C.delighted  D.saddened 12.               A.found          B.gone           C.discovered D.1eft 13.               A.waited         B.wanted         C.kept  D.protected 14.               A.growing        B.blooming       C.seeding   D.fading 15.               A.younger        B.older          C.earlier    D.former 16.               A.good          B.wealthy        C.close D.strong 17.               A.change         B.result          C.value D.connection 18.               A.sister          B.brother        C.mother    D.father 19.               A.slip            B.jog            C.refresh    D.collect 20.               A.buy           B.stop           C.mow  D.collect
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