
阅读理解Megan Piontkowski, anartist and illustrator, was out of work due to the pandemic (流行病). She learned through a friend that a Brooklyn hospital neededfabric masks for workers. Piontkowski already had some fabric on hand and asewing machine, so she got to work. She washed the fabric, sewed masks, washedthem again, and hung them to dry. After that she drove them to the hospital.When she asked if the hospital would pay for the masks. she was told they hadno money.I felt very mixedabout it, she told VOX, a famous American TV station. She knew thehospital needed masks badly. But mea下列各句中的成语使用正确的一项是    (    )A.这所房子看上去装修得十分豪华,但因为地点太偏僻,故而显得茕茕孑立。 B.我国历史上有许多格言警句和诗词歌赋,都是劝人要奋发向上,淡泊名利,不要为了蜗角虚名、蝇头微利而蝇营狗苟地生活。 C.袁刚的弟弟袁田虽然为了一己私利出卖了兄长,但作为兄长的袁刚在了解情况之后选择了包容,彰显了举案齐眉的传统美德。 D.长期以来,一些官员把官场的繁文缛节当成一种为官待遇,习以为常,安之若素。
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