
阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成-篇完整的短文。It was spring, and Steve wanted to get a new set (套装) of football, sports shoes, and a really cool backpack. There was only one problem. That great set was too expensive. Steve only saved $10, and that was not even close to what he would need to buy the set. I could ask mom and dad to give my pocket money in advance, he thought to himself, but that would be a big advance!That night, Steve told his parents the problem. Have you ever thought about doing something for the neighborhood 下面是对雷抒雁诗歌的一段评价,请用四个四字短语概括雷抒雁诗歌的特点。(4分)雷抒雁始终致力于表达生命意识的觉醒与启蒙。沿着这个方向,他逐次拷问生命的重大系列命题,例如永恒与瞬间、生与死、城市生活体验与乡村生活经验。雷抒雁的大多数诗歌都是有质量、有重量的写作,它们以艺术的方式切入了时代和人类的良知,构筑了民族的一段当代历史,已经随时间的河流走向了永恒。他诗歌情感真挚,尤其对大地和祖国的深情,成了当代中国诗坛的精神象征。“桥”是雷抒雁诗歌创作的重要意象,这恰好是诗人的自我象征,他连接了传统和现代的两端,从传统走,向现代走去。他的诗作既有古代传统气息,又有现代诗歌意味,在真挚中透着深刻,在大气中蕴含着灵秀。
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