
用下列物质的序号填空:A一氧化碳 B氧气 C碳酸钙 D熟石灰 (1) 可用于气割、气焊的单质是; (2) 可作气体燃料的是; (3) 用作建筑材料的盐是; (4) 可用于改良酸性土壤的碱是。 答案:【1】B 【1】A 【1】C 【1】D    Xiao Hua is our pet dog. When we brought her home,she was only 45 days old.She looked so small and lovely. We fed her meat and vegetables five or six times a day.She liked the food so much and always finished her meal in less than two minutes.Everything could be her toy,our shoes,newspapers,a tennis ball,a teddy bear or a brush. When we were away,most of the time,she slept with one or two of our shoes.Maybe the smell (气味) of our shoes made her feel safe. But how did she carry the big shoe to her bed?    It was fun to watch her play. But when she peed (撒尿) on the floor,it was much trouble. So we began to teach her to go to the toilet. It was really difficult to make a dog understand your words,especially when she was only less than two months old. We took her to the toilet when it was about her pee time. She barked a lot but we wouldn’t let her out.   When she finally peed there,we gave her a small piece of meat as a reward. Later,she knew the right place to pee,and of course,waited for the reward after that.() 1. How old was Xiao Hua when she got to our home for the first time?   A. Two months old. B. More than two months old.   C. About one year old. D. Less than two months old.() 2. How many times did Xiao Hua eat every day then?   A. Once   B. Twice.   C. Twice or three times   D. Five or six times.() 3. What did Xiao Hua usually do when she was alone at home?   A. She usually barked a lot. B. She usually played with a teddy bear.   C. She usually slept with one or two shoes. D. She usually stayed in the toilet.() 4. What is probably the meaning of the word “reward”?   A. 游戏   B. 奖励   C. 惩罚   D. 玩具() 5. Which of the following is NOT true?   A. Xiao Hua knows where to pee now. B. We fed Xiao Hua meat and vegetables.   C. Xiao Hua was never any trouble. D. Xiao Hua brought much fun to us.
化学 试题推荐