
阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 It is natural for species of animals to becomeextinct over millions of years. But over the past 200 years, humans have causedthe process to speed up. In recent years, the total number of threatened animalspecies has increased from 5205 to 5345. In most cases this is a result ofhuman activity. How are people speeding up the process of animal extinction? First of all, people threaten the survival ofanimal species by destroying their habitats. As the human population grows,people keep building houses and factories in field甲图中,未放小球时天平已经平衡.小明将细线吊着的小球浸没入烧杯的水中后,只需将游码从最左端移到图乙所示的位置,天平便又重新平衡,则该球的体积是 cm3. 小明松开手中的细线后,测出的总质量为66.8g,则该球的密度是 kg/m3.小林同学认为,如果用图丙所示的量筒来测量小球的体积,误差会更小些,你 (选填:“同意”或“不同意”)他的看法,你的理由是 .
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