
生活中有哪些现象或问题引起了你的关注?你对这些现象有什么想法?请你以“我有一个想法”为题,将你从某种现象产生的想法写下来,要求把这种现象和你的想法写清楚、写具体,还可以把改进的办法或建议写下来,300个字左右。 答案:我有一个想法 大家见过大街上到处都是垃圾吗?那些垃圾对环境有污染,使街道变得脏乱,还对我们的身体十分有害。地球是我们唯一的家园,请你保护它。而且那些垃圾有些都是可以回收再次利用的,这样扔掉也非常浪费。 这种现象的出现都是因为大多数人都认为随地扔一点垃圾没事,还有环卫工听短文,回答问题。1. The visitors each have __________. A. a very good car B. a map of the building C. a copy of the rocket 2. The visitors can spend one hour on __________. A. the first floor B. the second floor C. the third floor 3. The visitors can __________ on the fourth floor. A. try everything themselves B. learn how computers work C. learn how human body works 4. We can't know __________ from the passage. A. what the guide's name is B. how long they will stay in the building C. how many floors the building has
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