
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。If you ever get theimpression that your dog can tell whether you look content orannoyed, you may be onto something. Dogs may indeed be able to distinguishbetween happy and angry human faces, according to a new study.Researchers trained agroup of 11 dogs to distinguish between images(图像)ofthe same person making either a happy or an angry face. During the trainingstage, each dog was shown only the upper half or the lower half of the person'sface. The researchers then tested the dogs' ability to dis作为洋务派的代表,受命于危难之际收复新疆。清政府在他的建议下于1884年设新疆行省。他是 A.林则徐 B.李鸿章 C.张之洞 D.左宗棠 
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