
In its early history,Chicago had floods frequently,especially in the spring,making the streets so muddy that people,horses,and carts got stuck.An old joke that was popular at the time went something like this:A man is stuck up to his waist in a muddy Chicago street.Asked if he needs help,he replies,No,thanks.I've got a good horse under me.The city planner decided to build an underground drainage (排水) system,but there simply wasn't enough difference between the height of the ground level and the water level.The only two options were to lower the Chicago River or rais下列说法中正确的是(  ) A、某固体在加入稀盐酸产生了无色无味且能使澄清石灰水变浑的气体,证明该固体一定含有CO32-B、某无色溶液滴加酚酞试液显红色,该溶液不一定是碱C、加入氯化钡溶液有白色沉淀产生,再加盐酸,沉淀不消失,一定有SO42-D、某溶液与NaOH溶液共热,产生使湿润蓝色石蕊试纸变红气体,说明原溶液中存在NH4+
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