
Are you preparing for a big test? If so, you may want to go to play some basketball in between hitting the books. Doctors are starting to find more and more information that suggests a connection between exercise and brain development. Judy Cameron, a scientist at Oregon Health and Science University, studies brain development. According to her research, it seems that exercise can make blood vessels (血管), including those in the brain, stronger and more fully developed. Dr. Cameron is sure that this allows people who exercise to think better. As she says, “While we already know that exerc(10分)W、X、Y、Z四种短周期元素在元素周期表中的位置如右图所示,其中Z位于ⅦA族。请回答下列问题。   (1)W的原子结构示意图为               。能说明Z的非金属性比X的非金属性强的事实是                          (举一例)。   (2)W、Y和氢3种元素所形成的一种化合物,其75%(体积分数)的溶液常用于医疗消毒,该化合物的结构简式为                   。用化学方程式表示该化合物在中学实验室的一种用途                                                               。   (3)电解NaZ水溶液时,阴极的电极反应式为                                  。工业上,以上述反应的阳极产物和Ca(OH)2为原料,制备漂白粉反应的化学方程式为                                        。   (4)已知:298K时,金属钠与Y2气体反应,生成1 mol Na2Y固体时,放出热量414 kJ;生成1 mol Na2Y2固体时,放出热量511kJ。由Na2Y固体与Y2气体反应生成Na2Y2固体的热化学方程式为                                              。
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