
品析句子。 (1) 我坐在草丛里看她们,想象她们的家,想象她们此刻在干什么,想象她们的兄弟姐妹和她们的父母,想象她们的声音。这是一个句,生动地表现了“我”的,联系全文可知,句中的“她们”指。 (2) 看着盆里揉动的衣服和绽开的泡沫,我感觉到周围的光线渐渐暗下去,渐渐地凉下去沉郁下去,越来越远越来越缥缈,我一声不吭,忽然有点儿明白了。句中的“”交代了时间变化,“”写出了随着希望一点点破灭,“我”的1.The house is really expensive. I can't a________ it.2.How much did you p________ for the computer?3.Remember to turn o________ the light when you leave the room.4.What do you think of the ________(交通运输)in your city?5.This kind of material is ________(可重复使用的).Don't throw it.6.I think it's ________(残酷的) of them to shoot the animals.7.With the development of ________(工业),it will cause some pollution problems.8.The thief was ________(抓住) by the police last night.9.You will be punished if you break the ________(法律).10.________(鲨鱼)are very smart animals.
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