
Nine months ago,I was packing my daughter’s backpack with new school supplies,wondering how I was going to send her off to kindergarten.I stood on the playground,tears pouring down my face because I wasn’t ready for this first day of kindergarten——but she was ready.Today I will be standing on the playground, once again with tears,because this precious time went by too quickly.This week I realized that I never told you thank you.I don’t know how to express a mother’s thanks in the way a teacher deserves.We first met you at the open house the week before school started and 下列关于同位素示踪实验的叙述,不正确的是( )A. 给小麦提供14CO2,则14C的转移途径是14CO2→14C3→(14CH2O)B. 用含3H标记胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷酸的营养液培养洋葱根尖,在核糖体检测不到放射性C. 要得到含32P的噬菌体,必须先用含32P的培养基培养大肠杆菌D. 小白鼠吸入18O2后,呼出的二氧化碳中不可能含有18O
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