
中国的印刷术用于传播古老的观念,而不是新思想;火药加固了皇帝的统治,而不是正在出现的诸民族君主的地位;指南针除郑和用于著名的远航外,并不像西方人那样用于世界范围的探险、贸易和帝国的建立。对上述现象,合理的解释是A. 三大发明改变了整个世界面貌B. 科学技术的作用深受社会环境的制约C. 中国三大发明促进西方社会转型D. 中国古代科技未能推进中国社会发展Tigers are among the most admired and most feared animals in the world . When we think of a tiger, we think of danger. We think of the big teeth and large feet of it. We also think of beauty.The tiger is a hunter that hunts alone. In fact , tigers are probably better than any other land mammal(哺乳动物) at catching large animals without help. Even so, the life of this big-game hunter isn’t easy. Finding food can be difficult, especially for a tiger that is old or weak. Most of the animals it tries to attack get away. A tiger sometimes goes weeks without eating. When that happens, it may hunt animals that can be dangerous even for a tiger.When they are in a bad situation, some tigers may even attack humans. But in fact, tigers kill very few people each year. Most tigers run away when they see people.What tigers have done to people can’t compare to what people have done to tigers. Over the last 200 years, we have almost killed tigers in the wild(野外). Today, the tiger is one of the most endangered animals on Earth.A tiger may live 20 years or more, if it is not disturbed by humans. Female(雌性的) tigers usually live longer than male(雄性的)tigers, because the males live more dangerously.It isn’t easy for people to tell a male from a female unless the female happens to be with her babies.Only females take care of the young. The big difference between males and females is size. Male tigers are much bigger.Tigers are big eaters. In a single year, one tiger must eat about 70 deer or other large animals. That is one reason why tigers hunt alone. If they lived in big groups, they could never find enough animals to feed them all.1.What’s the topic sentence of Paragraph 2?A. The tiger is a hunter that hunts alone.B. A tiger sometimes goes weeks without eating.C. The life of this big-game hunter isn’t easy.D. Most of the animals it tries to attack get away.2.The easiest way to tell a male tiger from a female one is by looking at their______A. size B. running speedC.way of hunting D.claws3.What can we learn from the passage?A. A tiger can only live about 20 years.B.It is people who make tigers endangeredC.Many people are killed by tigers every year.D.Male and female tigers take care of their babies together.4.According to the passage, why do tigers hunt alone?A.They can run faster hunting alone.B.They can’t get along well with other tigers.C.They can hide themselves easily in this way.D. They can’t find enough animals to share with other tigers.5..The passage is most probably taken from __________________A. A library guide B.a news storyC. a wildlife book D.a pet magazine
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