
连一连。志存高远 诸葛亮 打 钉子 三头六臂 岳飞 占 跟头 英勇无畏 普罗米修斯 碰 上风 精忠报国 哪吒 敲 头阵 神机妙算 周恩来 栽 边鼓 答案:【答案】【解析】本题是对名著人物以及神话人物的考查。志存高远,意思是追求远大的理想、事业上的抱负。在《为中华之崛起而读书》中,周恩来总理在少年时代立下的宏伟志向:为中华之崛起而读书,表现了为国家和民族而奋斗终生的责任感和使命感。三头六臂,是中国古代神话人物“哪吒三太Here are the latest events happening in Greenwich.Blood driveOn Wednesday from 8 am to1 pm at the Greenwich Hospital,the Red Cross will host a blood drive.Donors(捐赠者)with all blood types are needed,especially types O and AB.For more information,download the Red Cross Blood Donor App and visit redcrossblood.org.Thanksgiving for old peopleOn Wednesday from noon to 2 pm at the First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich,there will be a Thanksgiving dinner open to all Greenwich old people.Volunteers will cook a full Thanksgiving menu and also serve meals to the old.Transportation is available upon request.Free event at 203-637-1807 by Nov.19.Advent workshopOn Nov.29 from 4 to 6 pm at the Round Hill Community House,Round Hill Church will celebrate the beginning of the workshop that includes dinner and lighting of the Yule Log.Free and open to the public.Bookings are required.To book a spot,call 203-869-1091.After-school programs for boys and girlsOn Nov.30 at the Boys and Girls Club of Greenwich,after-school programs will begin Membership is open to the children who live in Greenwich or whose parents work in Greenwich.Membership fee is $50 every year per resident(居民)child,$150 for non-residents whose parents work in town.For more information,visit info@bgcg.org.1.Who will probably enjoy Thanksgiving meals at 1:30 pm on Wednesday?A. The Red Cross Workers. B. Round Hill Church staff.C. Greenwich old people. D. The youth.2.Which of the following events needs to be booked?A. Blood drive.B. Advent workshop.C. Thanksgiving for old people.D. After-school programs for boys and girls.3.How much will you and your sister pay for after-school programs every year if you are resident children?A. $50. B. $100.C. $150. D. $300.
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