
先比一比,再组成词语。惜(_______) 扮(_______) 铺(_______) chǔ(_______)猎(_______) 粉(_______) 捕(_______) chù(_______) 答案:【答案】可惜 打扮 铺路 处理 打猎 粉色 捕猎 出处 【解析】本题考查形近字、多音字、组词。学生在日常学习中要做好相关方面的知识积累,注意形近字的区别,以及多音字的读音,在正确区分字体的情况下再组词。惜字组词:爱惜、珍惜、可惜、吝惜、惋惜、怜惜、顾惜、惜福、惜别等。猎字组词Over the past decade, the rich, professional classes have developed an increasingly unhealthy attitude to their jobs. They took their jobs and fat salaries for granted (认为……理所当然) and felt unhappy if their bonuses(奖金) were not bigger than the year before. They had climbed to the very top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs (马斯洛需求层次) and discovered the air was very thin indeed. "Help me, I'm bored." Or worse, "What does my work mean?" they cried. As an agony aunt, I found that by far the most common problem readers brought forward came from those who had all their basic needs satisfied, leaving their souls suffering.        In the past few months, when jobs are at risk and savings are becoming less and less, however, anguish of this sort has disappeared. The point of a job becomes rather more basic: to feed and house one's family and oneself. If we can do this, then anything over and above this is a bonus. Once we suit our expectations to this new reality and see earning money as the main reason for work, greater satisfaction will follow.        Low expectations have a lot to be said for them. In surveys women turn out to be more satisfied at work than men, though they earn less for the same jobs and do most of the work at home. The reason is simple: women's expectations of working life are lower. Similarly, Denmark is the happiest country in the world in spite of having a cold, dark climate and a top tax rate of 68 per cent. The happy Danes do not expect so much of life and find the little they have rather nice. 1.The writer of the passage is most probably _____.        A.an expert answering readers' questions        B.a government official on social problems        C.a scientist researching into employment        D.an educator on the sense of modern life 2.The underlined word "anguish" in paragraph 2 can be replaced by _____.        A.pride                 B.worry               C.pain                D.satisfaction 3.The passage carries the message that _____ .        A.rich, senior professionals should develop a high job expectation        B.low expectations are very important in time of bad economy        C.it's meaningless to be at the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs        D.women are more satisfied at work than men because of higher pay 4.People in Denmark are mentioned at the end of the passage to _____.        A.keep up the readers' attention           B.introduce a new topic        C.compare people with different needs     D.support the writer's view
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