
下图是近代一份不平等条约部分条款的截图。据此内容可知,该条约A.使中国的社会性质开始改变 B.对列强被迫赔款的数额最多C.由侵华列强联合强迫签订 D.刺激了列强瓜分中国的野心 答案:【答案】D【解析】由图片中“將庫平銀二萬萬兩交與日本”可知,该条约为《马关条约》,其签订刺激了列强侵华野心,促使列强掀起了瓜分中国的狂潮,D项正确;A项是鸦片战争的后果;B、C两项与《辛丑条约》有关。A)根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情境的句子抄写在答题纸上,使对话恢复完整。选项中有两项是多余的。AA. I think it’s closed now.B. so it must belong to him.C. Do you think the library is open at this time of day?D. but I think it must be crowded now.E. Whose backpack is it?F. Would you please go with me?G. Who is he?A. I think it’s closed now.B. so it must belong to him.C. Do you think the library is open at this time of day?D. but I think it must be crowded now.E. Whose backpack is it?F. Would you please go with me?G. Who is he?Linda: Helen, it’s time for supper. Let’s go to the dinning hall together.Helen: Yes, it’s supper time 【1】Linda: Then, what shall we do now?Helen: I want to go to the library and return these books to the library first. 【2】Linda: Of course! 【3】Helen: Yes. I think so.Linda: Let’s go there first, then we’ll go to the dinning hall to have supper, OK?Helen: No problem. Look! Linda! What’s that on the ground?Linda: Let me see. Oh, it’s a backpack. 【4】 Helen: Er, it’s brown. It might be Jane’s, and hers is brown.Linda: Oh, no. Look at the notebook. Tim’s name is on it, 【5】Helen: Let’s go and find Tim first.
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