
Raelene Heldt, a friend of my grandmother, if she were alive today, would never be able to deal with a visit to the modern supermarket, especially endless kinds of milk. It would be too much for her. She’d feel cheated. Because back in her day, in India, she was known among the vendors(商贩) who went selling their wares from door-to-door.You had to bring her the genuine article(真货), or you simply would not receive her custom(惠顾). In the 60s, custom was a huge thing. “She had a way with people,” my granny used to say. “If you mess with her, you get told off and never ever agai五大连池风景名胜区面积1060平方千米,14座新老时期火山的喷发年代跨越200多万年,被誉为“天然火山博物馆”和“打开的火山教科书”。五个火山堰塞湖连在一起,被称为五大连池。结合“五大连池(局部)景观图”和“地球的内部圈层结构图”,回答下面小题。【1】从火山口喷出的炽热岩浆一般来源于(  )A. ①圈层 B. ②圈层 C. ③圈层 D. ④圈层【2】五大连池景观的形成过程充分说明了(  )A. 图中各圈层都是连续而不规则的B. 图中各圈层内部物质运动的能量都来自太阳辐射C. 图中各圈层是独立发展变化的D. 图中各圈层之间存在着物质迁移和能量转换
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