
如图,△ABC中,BC>AC,∠C=50°.(Ⅰ)作图:在CB上截取CD=CA,连接AD,过点D作DE⊥AC,垂足为E;(要求:尺规作图,保留作图痕迹,不写作法)(Ⅱ)求∠ADE的度数. 答案:【答案】(1)见解析(2)25°【解析】(Ⅰ)以C为圆心CA为半径画弧交CB于D,作DE⊥AC即可;(Ⅱ)根据三角形内角和定理计算即可.(Ⅰ)如图,点D就是所求作的点,线段AD,DE就是所要作的线段.(Ⅱ)∵CA=CD,∴,在Rt△ADE中,∠ADE=90°﹣∠DAE=90°﹣65°=25°.阅读理解。    Helen's eyes are not very good, so she wears glasses. But she doesn't wear glasses when she is with her friend, Jim. When Jim comes to her house to take her out, she will take her glasses off, and when she gets back, she puts on the glasses.     One day her mother asks her, "Helen, why don't you wear glasses when you are with Jim? He takesyou to many lovely places in his car, but you can't see anything." Helen says, "I look more lovely to Jimwhen I'm not wearing my glasses and he looks better to me, too." 1. Jim comes to take Helen           . [     ]A. to school B. to work C. to see lovely places D. to his home 2. Helen doesn't wear glasses           . [     ]A. when Jim is with her B. when she is at home C. when she is at school D. in the evening 3. Jim and Helen go out           . [     ]A. by bus B. by car C. by bikes D. by plane 4. Which sentence is right? [     ]A. Helen doesn't like Jim. B. Helen wants to look more lovely.C. Jim doesn't like glasses. D. Helen's mother knows Helen very much. 5. Jim looks better to Helen           . [     ]A. when he sees everything clearly (清楚地).B. when she sees everything clearly. C. when he doesn't see things clearly. D. when she doesn't see things clearly.
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