
世界卫生组织认为:健康不仅仅是没有疾病和不虚弱,还要有完整的生理、状态和良好的社会适应能力,青少年从小要养成健康的生活习惯。 答案:【1】心理根据短文内容,选择正确答案。     Tom Cruise is a famous, popular, and talented actor. He was born on July 3,1962 in New York. He made his first movie in 1981. Soon, he was a top actor. In the 1980's and 1990's, he made more than 20movies. Some of his best movies were Top Gun, Rain Man and Mission Impossible.     People say he works very hard. He always tries to be a better and better actor. Cruise stars in manykinds of movies. Some of them are funny. Others are romantic.     He has fans all over the world. He likes to meet them. For example, he came to Taiwan several times. People love to see his good looks and big smile.1. When did Tom Cruise become famous?A. In 1962. B. After he made Rain Man.C. In 1980's. D. Between 1962 and 1981.2. In the 1980's and 1990's, Tom Cruise made _____.A. over 20 moviesB. 3 moviesC. 20 moviesD. 15 movies3. When did Tom Cruise make his first movie?A. When he was about 19.B. At the age of 30.C. When he was 22.D. We don't know.4. The article says that Tom Cruise is _____.A. selfish (自私的) B. handsome C. proud (骄傲的) D. not special (不特别的)5. Which sentence is NOT right about Tom Cruise?A. Rain Man is one of his best movie.B. He visited Taiwan several times.C. He made his first movie when he was about 19 years old.D. He only acts in funny and romantic movies.
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