
Japanese scientists and technology companies are coming up with new ways to deal with employee shortages in delivery service. How exactly? By introducing a robot that can deliver food to your home. A Japanese company ZMP has launched robot tests recently.The ZMP’s delivery robot in the process of testing is a red box that measurs109 cm and 133 cm in heights and lengths respectively. It is designed to carry up to 100 kilograms of anything with an approximate speed of 4 miles an hour. It has its own navigating system and a map, sensors (传感器) and cameras that allow it to self-dive. These,(1)在图1中,画出光线从水中斜射入空气的折射光线(大致方向).(2)根据平面镜成像特点,在图2中画出物体AB在平面镜MN中成的像.(3)在图3中根据折射光线画出入射光线.(4)根据光线通过透镜前后的方向,在图4虚线框中画出适当类型的透镜.
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