
Kids’ cartoons are usually very popular among kids. Aimed at children, Kids’ cartoons are meant to be educational to some degree. The plot lines of kid’s cartoons are fairly simple and take place in everyday settings, such as schools and homes. The followings are some famous Kid’s cartoons.King of the HillKing of the Hill describes a middle-class family and their lives in a typical American town. It tells us about the Hills’ day-to-day-lives in the small Texas town of Arlen, exploring modern themes such as parent-child relationships, friendship, and justice.Once Upon a TimeOnce Upon 如图,在长方形ABCD中,放入6个形状和大小都相同的小长方形,已知小长方形的长为a,宽为b,且a>b.(1)用含a、b的代数式表示长方形ABCD的长AD、宽AB;(2)用含a、b的代数式表示阴影部分的面积.
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