
以下关于分子的说法正确的是A. 雪花漫天飞舞说明分子在做无规则运动B. 在墨水滴入水中的扩散实验中,我们看到了墨水的分子在运动C. 丝绸摩擦过的玻璃棒靠近带正电的物体时会相互排斥D. 由于液体能够流动,而固体不能流动,所以固体分子是静止的 答案:【答案】C【解析】A. 雪花漫天飞舞,是固体颗粒的机械运动,不属于分子运动。故A错误;B. 在墨水滴入水中的扩散实验中,我们看到的是颜色的变化,墨水的分子用肉眼是看不到的。故B错误;C. 用丝绸摩擦过的玻璃棒所带的电荷为正电荷,用它靠近带正电的物体时,同种电荷会相互排斥,故C正确;D. M:Are you coming to the meeting this afternoon?W: What meeting?M: It’s about environmental protection. More ways 1 (should find) so that the world 2 ( can save ) in the future.W :I agree. I think the environmental problems 3( not take) seriously in the past,and a lot of people still don't think about them enough.M:Yes,youVe right. For example,look at all the lights thal 4(leave) on all the time!W:lAnd a lot of water 5( waste ) every day,just in oui houses.M: Exactly!These are all important things,but there is much more to do!Look around you. Why is so much pa?per thrown away? Put it in the special box,so that it 6( can recycle ) !W:Oh,dear. I left my computer on all day today!Yes,Fin coming to the meeting,Michael.1.  2.    3.     4.  5.   6.
物理 试题推荐