
下列属于双子叶植物的是A. 玉米 B. 小麦 C. 水稻 D. 花生 答案:【答案】D【解析】单子叶植物和双子叶植物都属于种子植物中的被子植物,都能产生种子,单子叶植物的种子有一片子叶,有胚乳,叶脉多为平行脉;双子叶植物的种子有两片子叶,无胚乳,叶脉多为网状脉。据此解答。花生种子有两片子叶,无胚乳,叶脉为网状脉,直根系,花的基数是5,因此属于Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions.【1】I’d like to be an _________ in the future.【2】I had a _________ time with my classmate last Sunday.【3】It is _________ to go shopping in our neighbourhood.【4】We must promise to take care of the _________ pets.【5】You can _________ to go by train.
生物 试题推荐