
根据句意及汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空。【1】I will meet you at the main ________ (入口) to the school.【2】Would it be ________ (方便的) for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to the airport?【3】If you are lost in the mountains, stay ________ (镇静) in the face of darkness and the unknown.【4】Out of ________ (好奇心), he opened the letter secretly.【5】I would be ________ (感激的) if you could give me a kind consideration.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是(  )①今天,肩负人民重托,心系百姓梦想,近3000名全国人大代表齐聚人民大会堂,共商________,谋划未来。②在备战高考的冲刺阶段,老师、家长和学生要互相理解,做到家校________,才能更好地提高学生的复习效率。③那种________地把西方发达国家的所谓“宪政制度”直接“拿来”的做法,不仅忽略了我国正在进行的法治实践,而且直接否定了在这个实践基础上所形成的“中国经验”及其价值。A.国是偕同囫囵吞枣 B.国事协同囫囵吞枣 C.国是协同生吞活剥 D.国事偕同生吞活剥
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