
如图,已知点E、F在直线AB上,点G在线段CD上,ED与FG交于点H,∠C=∠EFG,∠CED=∠GHD.(1)求证:CE∥GF;(2)试判断∠AED与∠D之间的数量关系,并说明理由;(3)若∠EHF=80°,∠D=30°,求∠AEM的度数. 答案:【答案】(1)证明见解析;(2)∠AED+∠D=180°,理由见解析;(3)110°【解析】(1)依据同位角相等,即可得到两直线平行;(2)依据平行线的性质,可得出∠FGD=∠EFG,进而判定AB∥CD,即可得出∠AED+∠D=180°;(3)依据已知条件求得∠CGF的度数,进而利用平行线的性质得出∠CEF的度数,依据对话题村庄文体说明文词数190限时分正确率%big,cinemas,exciting,far,like,live,other,some,takes,train Lofton is a little village (村庄) in England. It is not f 1 from the city of Manchester (曼彻斯特) .Not many families 1 2 around the village,so the people all know each o 3 .Most of them are friendly and helpful.Though their homes are in Lofton,many people have jobs in Manchester. S 4 work in large factories there. A few work in shops or offices. Most of these people go to work by t 5 . It usually t 6 about half an hour to go from Lofton to Manchester.In the evening a lot of people like watching TV. But if they go to see a film or go to a concert (音乐会) ,they have to go to Manchester,because there are no c 7 in Lofton.Like many other villages near towns or cities,it is clean and quiet. So life in Lofton may not be so e 8 as the life in the b 9 cities,but it can be just as interesting. That is why people in Lofton 1 10 their village.从方框中选出合适的单词,补全短文。请将答案填在下面相应的横线上:1.  2.  3.  4.  5. 6.  7.  8.  9.  10.
数学 试题推荐