
某商场为了吸引顾客,设立了可以自由转动的转盘(如图,转盘被均匀分为20份),并规定:顾客每购买200元的商品,就能获得一次转动转盘的机会.如果转盘停止后,指针正好对准红色、黄色、绿色区域,那么顾客就可以分别获得200元、100元、50元的购物券,凭购物券可以在该商场继续购物.如果顾客不愿意转转盘,那么可以直接获得购物券30元.(1)求转动一次转盘获得购物券的概率; (2)转转盘和直接获得购物券,你认为哪种方式对顾客更合算Sarah came running in. She shouted happily, "Look what I ____36_____." She put a snake skin on the newspaper I was reading and it came so suddenly that it caused me to ____37_____. "Mom, look! Isn't it ____38_____?" said my seven-year-old daughter. I ____39_____ the snake skin and thought that it really wasn't pretty. Everything children see ____40_____is full of beauty in their eyes; they see only ____41_____ and excellence in the world until educated. "____42_____ did the snake do this?" Sarah asked. I tried to seize the ____43_____ to teach my children that there was almost always something beyond the obvious. I wanted to tell them that there was something else going on ____44_____ what they saw in front of them. "Snakes shed (蜕) their skin because they need to renew themselves," I ____45_____. "Why do they have to renew themselves?" Sarah asked. My son Robert laughed and said, "Because they don't ____46_____ what they are and they want to be someone else." I politely ignored him and said that by shedding skins, we could ____47_____ the hidden reality. "We often need to shed our skin, those coatings that we ____48_____ ourselves with," I said to my children, who listened very ____49_____, with their eyes wide open. "This snake ____50_____ needs this skin. It is probably too hard for him, or he probably doesn't think he looks as ____51_____in it as he once did. It's like buying a new ____52_____." I'm sure this explanation will not ____53_____ the naturalists. But Sarah was getting to understand that renewal is part of ____54_____. She should learn from it what we need to keep and what we need to ____55_____.小题1:A.madeB.seizedC.caughtD.found小题2:A.thinkB.jumpC.runD.struggle小题3:A.interestingB.smoothC.beautifulD.colorful小题4:A.stared atB.took offC.referred toD.brought back小题5:A.by accidentB.over and over again C.in the futureD.for the first time小题6:A.honestyB.differenceC.valueD.fear小题7:A.WhereB.WhyC.HowD.When小题8:A.informationB.possibilityC.opportunityD.question小题9:A.besidesB.forC.withoutD.around小题10:A.talkedB.explainedC.whisperedD.shouted小题11:A.keepB.wantC.needD.like小题12:A.seeB.guessC.ignoreD.remember小题13:A.keepB.storeC.coverD.improve小题14:A.properlyB.attentivelyC.sadlyD.angrily小题15:A.once moreB.at timesC.right nowD.no longer小题16:A.niceB.healthyC.strongD.big小题17:A.hatB.watchC.suitD.home小题18:A.moveB.satisfyC.correctD.defeat小题19:A.experienceB.achievementC.progressD.competition小题20:A.throw outB.hope forC.find outD.throw away
数学 试题推荐