
选词填空。愿望 希望 失望(1)我(_____)爸爸给我买一台电脑。(2)哥哥终于考上了交通大学,实现了他多年的(_____)。(3)今年暑假爸爸没带我去青岛旅游,真让我(_____)。 答案:【答案】(1)希望 (2)愿望 (3)失望 【解析】近义词词义区分。感激是心里的情感,感谢是直接谢意。愿望的近义词是理想。 1.Thanks to my teacher’s support and e______, I regained my confidence in study.2.After a heated a______ with her colleagues, Sue left the meeting room angrily.3.As we all know, ice-cream is a______ to children, and it’s their favorite.4.It o______ to me that I had ever seen him before.5.How did the World Trade Organization come into e______?6.The beautiful scenery ______(赋予灵感) the composer when he was in Britain.7.High interest rates ______ (使灰心;劝阻) people from borrowing money.8.She imagined herself to be ______(优于) to others, which was ridiculous.9.I can give you a ______ (大概的,粗略的) estimate of the amount of wood you will need.10.Everyone enjoys the equal and friendly ______(氛围) in this company. 
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