
My sister Alice and I have been trying to get people to stop dropping cigarette (香烟)butts(烟头)for seven years. One day, we were walking in our hometown and saw hundreds of cigarette butts on the ground. They made the town look so ugly that we decided to start a group to make people dropping butts. We called it “No Butts About It”.At first, we drew pictures with “The Earth is not your ashtray(烟灰缸)”written on them. We put the pictures around our hometown—in parks, by beaches, and along roads. We wanted to make people understand that dropping butts hurts the env按右图安装好实验装置,在收集满CO2气体的锥形瓶中滴加足量的NaOH浓溶液,可以很快地观察到烧杯中水倒吸入锥形瓶中,请按下列要求回答问题:⑴锥形瓶中发生的反应      (填“是”或“不是”)离子反应,若是离子反应,写出离子方程式:               (若不是离子反应,此空不填)。⑵发生倒吸的原因是                                                          。⑶受此原理启发,某同学又设计出以下装置,试填写有关现象。             A.                              ; b                                  ;
英语 试题推荐