
Thomas is a very funny student. What he loves most is to make people laugh. All his friends love his【1】(精彩的)stories, and even his teachers think he's funny. Thomas knows that he is【2】(有才能的).When he heard about the school's talent show, he【3】(决定) to take part in it. He wanted to【4】(分享)his story with other students, and he was excited. But some students laughed at him, You are not【5】(有创造力的). You can't【6】up(编造)a funny story. You'll do a little【7】(更差的)in the show. No one will like what you do! Thomas 图中①、②是氟元素、钙元素在元素周期表中的信息,A、B、C、D是四种粒子的结构示意图.请回答:(1)氟元素的相对原子质量为    ,钙元素的原子序数为    .(2)图D中x=    .(3)A、B、C、D中属于金属元素的粒子是    (填字母).(4)A粒子的化学性质与B、C、D中    (填字母)粒子的化学性质相似.(5)B粒子的符号为    ,元素B位于第    周期.(6)B、C形成的化合物化学式为    .
英语 试题推荐