
A taxi driver taught me a valuable lesson last year.One day, I was waiting for a taxi in the street 【1】 a clean taxi pulled up. The driver rushed to open the passenger door for me and made sure I was comfortably seated 【2】 closing the door. As he got in the driver’s seat, he mentioned that the【3】(neat) folded Wall Street Journal was for my use .He then showed me several tapes and asked me what type of music I would enjoy. I could not believe 【4】 service I was receiving! I took the opportunity to say, “Obviously you take great pride 【5】 your work.”“I 【6】 (work) i建设“2l世纪海上丝绸之路”是我国的重要发展战略。下图是亚洲局部图,读图回答问题。(1)“21世纪海上丝绸之路”经过的A海域是我国的_____海;B海峡是东南亚著名的________海峡,该海峡沟通了太平洋和________洋。(2)东南亚地区是“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的重要枢纽,包括中南半岛和________群岛两大部分。中南半岛山脉、河流的分布特点是__________________,大城市主要沿_______分布。(3)孟买一年分为旱、雨两季,当盛行图中所示风向的季风时,为________季,此时的气候特点是________________________。在该气候影响下,孟买附近沿海地区种植的主要粮食作物是___________。
英语 试题推荐