
A young man applied for a job as a telegraph (电报) operator. He answered a(n)_______in the newspaper and went to the telegraph office to attend an interview. _______he knew much about this field and was qualified in every other way, seven other applicants were also waiting in the ________office filled with noise.He saw officers coming and going and heard a(n)_______clacking(发出咔哒声) in the background. He also noticed a sign on the receptionist’s counter,_______applicants to fill out a form and wait to be called to an inner office for an interview. He filled out a form and sat down14.我们常说“学史明智”、“以史为鉴”,那么我们从夏、商、西周兴亡中,能得出什么结论?秦始皇的过错有哪些?如果你生活在那个时代,你想对后世的统治者说点什么?
英语 试题推荐