
Thomas James Hanson will remember for a long time the snowstorm that hit the state of New York on November 22nd. The 47-year-old man from Niagara Falls was stuck in his car on the highway for almost eight days after his vehicle was accidentally pushed to the side of the road and covered with snow by workers employed to remove the snow from the streets.Driving on the Interstate Highway190 during the worst of the snowstorm, Mr. Hanson decided to pull over his old 1993 Volkswagen Passat to the side of the road and wait for the weather conditions to improve. He remained motionless for approximatel粗略测量待测电阻RX的值探究器材:待测电阻RX、一个已知阻值的定值电阻R0,若干开关、干电池、导线和一个电压表.(1)在方框内画出你设计的实验电路图;(2)将下面的实验步骤补充完整,并用字母表示需要测出的物理量;第一步:开关断开,并按设计的电路图连接电路;(3)写出RX的表达式:RX=UXR0U0UXR0U0.
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