
历史选修1:(历史上重大改革回眸)材料:汉武帝元狩四年(前119年),颁布了算缗、告缗令。算缗就是向大商人、高利贷者征收财产税。规定商人财产每2000钱,抽税一算(120钱);经营手工业者的财产,凡4000钱,抽一算;不是三老和北边骑士而有轺车者,每辆抽税一算,商人的车,则征收两算;船五支以上者,每只船抽税一算。隐瞒不报或者自报不实者,鼓励知情孝揭发,叫做“告缗”。凡揭发属实,即没收被告者全部财产,并罚戍边一年,告发C. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词, 并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。小题1:Tell the students to go to the playground to have a rest, please. They each        in the classroom for too long. 小题2:Tom with his father       English when I hurried home yesterday.小题3:— Can you tell me who        the floor after yesterday’s meeting ? — I saw Beibei doing it when I left.小题4:— When will your father go to the hospital to see Uncle Wang? — This afternoon after he        his work.小题5:—Detective Wang, I doubt that Jack broke into the bank last night. —Really? I        it out.
历史 试题推荐