
地球上最早出现的生物是___生物。 答案:【答案】原始单细胞【解析】生物进化的总体趋势是从简单到复杂,从低等到高等,从水生到陆生。可结合生物的进化树来解答。如图生物进化树生活在原始海洋里的没有细胞结构的原始生命。经过漫长岁月,原始生命进化为有简单细胞结构的生物,这些生物的细胞结构与现存的细菌、蓝藻近似。有些When thinking about quitting(停止) smoking… List all the reasons why you want to quit. Every night before going to bed, repeat one of the reasons 10 times. Decide positively that you want to quit. Try to avoid negative thoughts about how difficult it might be. Develop strong personal reasons as well as your health and responsibility to others. For example, think of all the time you waste taking cigarette breaks, rushing out to buy a pack, hunting a light, etc. Set a date for quitting --- perhaps a special day like your birthday, a holiday. If you smoke heavily at work, quit during your vacation. Make the date seriously, and don't let anything change it. Begin to condition yourself physically; start a modest (适当的) exercise; drink more water; get plenty of rest. Immediately after quitting... The first few days after you quit, spend as much free time as possible in places where smoking is prohibited, e.g. libraries, museums, theatres, department stores, etc. Drink large quantities of water and fruit juice. Try to avoid wine, coffee, and other drinks which remind you of cigarette smoking. Start a conversation with someone instead of a match for a cigarette. If you miss the feeling of having a cigarette in your hand, play with something else - a pencil, a pen, a ruler. If you miss having something in your mouth, try a fake (仿制的) cigarette. 1.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? A.Whenever you feel like a cigarette, try to forget it by sleeping. B.Try to start a conversation before asking for a light. C.If you miss the feeling of having a cigarette in your mouth, play with a pen. D.Every night before going to bed, repeat all the reasons 10 times. 2. From the passage, we know smokers __________. A.should drink a lot of coffee B.have to stop to smoke from time to time C.should drink a lot of wine D.should not do any exercise 3.According to the passage, what does the underlined word “prohibited” mean? A.forbidden B.allowed C.received D.welcomed 4. If the passage is in a newspaper, which section is it in? A.Sports B.News C.Health D.Culture
生物 试题推荐