
阅读理解Vietnam aims to solve the relationsbetween economic development and cultural preservation. Vietnamese culturaldepartments and activists have tried to preserve the historical and culturalrelics in the country. Vietnamnow has more than 40, 000 historical relics. These relics of various forms andhistory are treasures for future generations. However,hundreds of relics are severely damaged due to the negative influence of time,war and human activities. Head of Hanoi Relics Management Board, Nguyen Doan Tuan,says rescue work must preserve the relics' soul: We cannot replace ruinedconstru读图“中国主要气候类型分布图”,回答下列问题.(1)写出图中字母所表示的气候类型:东部地区:A 气候、B 气候、C 气候;西北地区:D 气候;青藏高原区:E独特的 区.(2)图中①②表示影响夏季风,其中①表示 (风向)季风,来自 洋.②表示 (风向)季风,来自 洋.我国受夏季风的影响,年降水量的分布规律是从东南向西北 (填递增或递减).(3)我们学校所在地的气候类型是 气候,所属的温度带是 ,所属的干湿区是 .
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