
2021年3月30日,根据2020年全省爱国卫生“7个专项行动”考核结果,云南省委、省政府决定对工作突出的曲靖市麒麟区等67个县(市、区)予以通报表扬,并以以奖代补的形式分别给予5000万元资金奖励.曲靖市麒麟区、陆良县、宣威市、马龙区、沾益区、罗平县6个县(市、区)上榜,其中麒麟区综合考核排名全省首位.将5000万用科学记数法表示为( ) A . B . C . D .Out of the crowded bus __________, who was dressed in a black suit and waving to a woman. A. stepped a tall man in his thirties                     B. a tall man in his thirties stepped C. did a tall man in his thirties step                    D. did a tall man step in his thirties 
数学 试题推荐