
阅读理解 Halloween is a holiday full of tricks and treats and allthings frightening and fun. But what happens when you trade your sweets for ascare? The result is always healthier than candy. Being frightened can be good for you. Think about yourfavorite scary books or movies. You are scared but you just can't resistreading or watching them. Being frightened makes your brain flood with healthychemical substances that excite your mood and release feelings of greatexcitement. When you're frightened, your body also produces a chemicalcalled oxytocin, which helps people bond with one another. 中国古代有一位大臣向皇帝进言:“臣闻殷、周之王千馀岁,封子弟功臣,自为枝辅。今陛下有海内,而子弟为匹夫,卒有田常、六卿之臣,无辅拂,何以相救哉?事不归古而能长久者,非所闻也。”此大臣的主张 [  ] A. 主张分封制 B. 主张郡县制 C. 反对中央集权 D. 主张中央集权
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