
阅读理解Several years ago, JimTurner heard a program on the radio for the N. C. Children's Hospital anddecided he could use his love of origami art to help the hospital raisemoney for much-needed programs.So at the age of 13, Turnerbegan making origami greeting cards and selling them to help the hospital. Hisprogram, known as Heartbeats for Kids, has since raised more than $2,500 forthe hospital. The first cards I made had a heart in them and you couldremove the heart from the card and make it beat, Turner says, explaininghow he came up with the name for the program. Now as a 17-year-old h下列对文学常识表述正确的一项是( )A.《过零丁洋》和《己亥杂诗》不属于同一朝代的作品。B.《行路难》和《渡荆门送别》不属于同一诗人的作品。C.《渔家傲·秋思》和《天净沙·秋思》属于同一文体的作品。D.《次北固山下》和《白雪歌送武判官归京》属于边塞诗类型的作品。
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